
2020/9/25 15:37:09 来源 | 乐之惠互惠生申办中心 返回列表



近日,2020年度IAPA全球最佳互惠生正式公布,来自中国朱婉迪小姐姐捧得桂冠。其也是此奖项设立16年来,个获得此项大奖的中国人,乐之惠互惠生也成为国内获此殊荣的出境互惠生服务机构。我们为迪迪的成就感到高兴和自豪,在当下国际旅行严重受限的时刻,迪迪的获奖为所有中国互惠生以及从业者注入了一剂兴奋剂, 追求与梦想永远不会因为荆棘止步!



“If you ask me what the craziest thing is you’ve ever done in your life, I will not hesitate to say: coming to Germany. 

If you ask me: what’s the happiest in your life? I will say a lot, however, coming to Germany is definitely one of them.” 






Wandi has joined her host family in Germany in September 2019 and ever since has been a great asset for the family in many aspects:

“The extra pair of hands when you come home, the happy playmate in the afternoon, the additional pair of watchful eyes during excursions, the calmness when bringing the kids to bed at night. She is the big daughter to whom we show her a piece of a world unknown and who invites us all to learn more about her homeland and its culture. 

What makes us particularly happy: Didi is not an employee who works for us. She is an involved family member and a guest that gets excited about everything we do in the family. 





2020 – Wandi Zhu, China

2019 – Rozelle Botes, South Africa

2018 – Martin Tóth, Hungary

2017 – Georgina Pinson, France

2016 – Robert Isemer, Germany

2015 – Lena Halberstadt, Germany

2014 – Irene Buijing, Netherlands

2013 – Femke Meyer, Germany

2012 – Birte Klusmann, Germany

2011 – Luna Vazquez de la Rosa, Spain

2010 – Mayumi Yano, Japan

2009 – Ricardo Silva de Araujo, Brazil

2008 – Linda Falter, Germany

2007 – Emilie Terryn, France

2006 – Alexandru Valentin Darziu, Romania

2005 – Mariela Poveda, Ecuador

2004 – Lenuta Tedora, Romania


